A window of opportunity to help the homeless

A window of opportunity to help the homeless

A window of opportunity to help the homeless

Do you know where your next meal is coming from?

If you answered “Yes!”, then count yourself lucky! For many in the homeless community and for those with insecure housing, the answer can often be “No.”

Across Canada, people are facing a housing crisis. In the GTA, you can describe the housing situation as DIRE. Far too many people compete for far too few rental units. Many on the lower economic margins cannot find housing within their budgets. Forget getting started on the property ladder! Many would be happy to find a place that keeps them warm and safe and has a roof that doesn’t leak.

Everyone needs shelter.  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which lists human needs in terms of importance, makes physiological needs the essential base of the pyramid of needs. These needs include food, water, shelter, clothing, and sleep. Now ask yourself – what on that list can YOU live without? That’s a challenge that many in the homeless community face every single day.

Live without…sadly, many homeless individuals have grown accustomed to living without, not by choice, but by default. Life on the street is hard – even more so when you are in a perpetual state of hunger.

That’s why the work done at Good Shepherd Ministries matters so much. Since 1963, people have turned to Good Shepherd for shelter, meals, and so much more. That’s more than 60 years.

But just as Good Shepherd’s legacy of help for the homeless community has grown, so have the lines of those that come to 412 Queen Street East, seven days a week, seeking the help that they know Good Shepherd will provide.

Good Shepherd Ministries is a mission of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, rooted in hospitality, with doors open to all. We welcome the opportunity to help people who struggle with poverty and homelessness, especially with meals. These days, Good Shepherd serves more than 800 meals per day!

We need help – YOUR help. Food donations are always appreciated. Monetary donations make an even bigger impact as the funds can buy the most-needed food items in bulk.

This is your Window of Opportunity to fight hunger. Will you open it and help make an impact? Learn more https://goodshepherd.ca/how-you-can-help/

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