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Veteran’s Housing Navigation
Good Shepherd has been working with homeless Veterans since 2010. With the assistance of the Royal Canadian Legion and Veterans Affairs Canada, Good Shepherd has been able to help homeless Veterans find housing, seek help for addictions, enhance life and social skills, and connect to resources in their community. In 2016, a full time Veterans Transition Worker position was established to offer intensive case management.
In 2019, thanks to funding from Veterans Affairs Canada, Good Shepherd established a Veterans Housing Navigation team with the addition of a peer support worker. Good Shepherd also partnered with Helmets to Hardhats to assist homeless Veterans transition into stable employment.
You may be eligible to use these services if you are:
- a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (Regular and Reserve Force) who has completed basic military training and has been released from the forces with an honourable discharge;
- a member of the armed forces from an allied country.
Veteran’s Housing Navigation Brochure
Helmets to Hardhats
The Veterans Training and Employment Worker provides employment services such as: resume support, mock interview, job search techniques, referrals to employment services programs and other supports.
If the Veteran shows interest in the Trades, then we assist with communications and registrations with Helmets to Hardhats. H2H provides resources, communications, and opportunities by utilizing their relationship with the trade unions. They also turn to industry professionals that are Veterans and have experienced transitioning to civilian life. Both the VTE Worker and H2H continue to provide follow-up support through out the process.
Learn more about the Helmets To Hardhats Program.