My name is Josef (Joe) Poncelet. I am a retired widower with three children and five grandchildren and a volunteer at Good Shepherd Centre.
When I semi-retired about twelve years ago, I was looking for something useful to do in my spare time. I looked into the possibility of volunteering at the Good Shepherd and I am still at it.
For about the last eleven years I have been volunteering at the Good Shepherd kitchen. Prior to that time, I cooked every four weeks a “chicken-rice” casserole which was delivered to my home parish, St. Gabriel’s in North York, to be picked up and used for the meal program at Good Shepherd. During my weekly volunteer shift, I began to take on the task of making pancakes for breakfast and drop-in. While I think I may have helped to make “Pancake Wednesday” a little special for the clientele, the Wednesday mornings may even have been more special for myself.l Unfortunately, during these past three months [due to COVID19] I have missed the early Wednesday mornings very much and I sincerely hope that I can soon get back to see all my friends at the Good Shepherd. For now, to all, my best wishes, be safe, stay healthy. Thank you all of you who keep the doors open and prepare and distribute food to those in need.