Annie’s EPIC Story

Annie’s EPIC Story

Annie’s EPIC Story

Annie* had lived in her co-op Housing unit for 16 years and was a responsible tenant. However, due to unforeseen circumstances she lost her job in the summer of 2023, and was forced to use a credit line and credit cards to pay her rent. At the time, Annie’s rent was $992/month, but her income was only $898/month, putting her in an unsustainable situation and consequently she accumulated $4,064 in rental arrears. Having maxed out her credit, Annie was unable to cover her rent, and she submitted an RGI (Rent Geared to Income) application for the co-op she lives in. She was in a hole she felt there was no way to get out of. Her co-op board, having dealt with tenants in similar situations, contacted City Services on Annie’s behalf and the city referred her to the EPIC program at Good Shepherd.  

EPIC (Eviction Prevention Program) Case Plan

The goal of the EPIC team is to help individuals avoid eviction and ending up homeless. For Annie the top priority was to help clear her rent arrears. The case plan included applying for the HSF (Housing Stability Fund) through her Ontario Works Worker and submitting another financial resource application through EPIC to clear the remainder of the arrears. 

With their experience, the EPIC Team knew that the application and approval process could take an extended amount of time. During this waiting period the Good Shepherd EPIC Team communicated regularly with the property management company to update them on Annie’s application and shared their case plan to clear her arrears.


In April of 2024 Annie’s application was approved. Through the collaborated efforts of the Property management company, the OW Worker and the Good Shepherd EPIC Team, Annie’s rental arrears were cleared, and the termination of her co-op tenancy was prevented. As of May 1st, Annie’s rent has been reduced making her unit affordable and leaving her with enough money to cover her basic needs. 

Annie has expressed how grateful she is for the EPIC Team’s help and expertise in resolving her housing difficulties and helping her to live a more sustainable life. 

For individuals living in insecure housing arrangements, eviction is a constant worry and is often a key source of ongoing mental stress. Preventing eviction requires a proactive strategy, often involving multiple parties.  Good Shepherd’s EPIC team are dedicated to helping tenants navigate the various programs and services available to remain housed.  

To learn more about the EPIC program, and other housing programs that Good Shepherd has available, please visit 

*Name has been changed to protect client identity